Monday, April 21, 2008


Yesterday, we spent some time with Rosemary Wheeler and son Cory before we left Charleston. Sorry we missed Jerry but he was in N.C. We had a tour of the garage and saw their two GMCs. It was great talking about the coaches and other stuff with them.
Back on the road north with several stops along highway 101. Very rugged and beautiful. Stopped at Honeyman State Park and the amazing sand dunes there. We remembered it from our honeymoon when there wasn't a park there... only the dunes. We climbed to the to the top of the dunes without being short of breath and Alan's leg was up to the task. All is well with the leg now.
We stopped for the night at Florence and are parked in the harbour at a RV park in the old town centre. It rained most of the night, a nice sound when you're inside and warmly ensconced in bed. However, the roof fan over the bed started to leak after awhile and we had to pull a tarp over the bed. Not a big deal.
Rain is forcast for the next three day all the way up the coast. We will head up the coast to Tillamook today. I'm glad I packed the umbrella.....Janet

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